Carousel Family Centre Benches

Client: Carousel Children’s Centre +

Vale of White Horse and

South Oxfordshire District Councils

Working with the Carousel Family Centre and the Vale of White Horse district council I designed two benches that were painted together with the lovely south abingdon community on a family day. The event involved everyone from young to old and local community groups like Mental Health Natters.

The benches were designed to be vibrant pieces of art that enhance local public spaces. As they were created through community engagement we hope it means the community will take ownership of them. The aim was add aesthetic value to parks, streets, and communal areas in an area of Abingdon where this is very much lacking. So far we have received positive feedback from the family centre and the children that use them.

The two benches had a hedgehog garden theme and dragonfly pond theme. The colours were picked to match the local nature trail on pop out of their background!


Community Collage Exhibition - Abingdon


Abingdon Nature Trail - Virtual Illustrated Map